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Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions for Missing and Trafficked Platform Welcome to the Missing and Trafficked Platform, a community organized by and for AIDBIPOC to help spread awareness and assist in finding missing persons. By using our platform, you agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions: Accuracy of Information: All members are expected to share accurate and truthful information. Posting false information, including fake missing person reports, is strictly prohibited. If it is determined that a member has shared false information intentionally, their account will be permanently removed and banned from the platform. No Harassment or Bullying: Harassment, bullying, or any form of abusive behavior is not allowed. This platform is a safe space for all users, and anyone found violating this rule will be banned. No Advertisements or Promotions: Posting links, advertisements, or promotions unrelated to the mission of the Missing and Trafficked Platform is not permitted. Any such content will be removed, and repeat offenders may be banned. Respectful Communication: All users are expected to communicate respectfully. Discriminatory or offensive language will not be tolerated and may result in immediate removal from the platform. Privacy and Security: Users are responsible for protecting their own privacy. Do not share personal or sensitive information in public forums or messages. Reporting Violations: If you encounter any content or behavior that violates these terms, please report it to our support team at compliance@missingandtrafficked.info. Changes to Terms and Conditions: These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time. It is your responsibility to review them regularly. Continued use of the platform after changes are posted constitutes acceptance of the updated terms. Disclaimer: The Missing and Trafficked Platform is provided on an "as is" basis. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information on the platform. Termination of Service: We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to the platform at our discretion, without notice, for conduct that we believe violates these terms or is harmful to other users of the platform, us, or third parties, or for any other reason. By using the Missing and Trafficked Platform, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, please do not use our platform.

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